Thursday, 9 February 2012

It's okay to be SINGLE

Saya tertarik pd story sahabat karib time saya time study same2 dolu, satu kolej..i really dont mean to hurt anyone in any way. Juz to share an experiences from her. Let me call her name "Nemo"..not a real name, she's a happy girl and would never hurt a single soul if she could..

Here's her story.....

A past years ago, when she as a kid and same Kampung i guess.. she really to know this guys, let's call him Mr. A. She met him through a some Kampung friends jugak..and what i remember the day he contacted her, via phone, it was the day that completely changed her life.

During kolej, every single day, she truly cherished, chatting together, called for hours in a couple of weeks. She's loyal and sincerely being friendship. They shared a lots a common interested and loved the same things in life. They need all dream will be come true as colors of rainbow. He respects her as a girl and he gave her an advices and calmed her down shen she was a pain. He supported in everthing that she did. (and i cant story how amazing that two couples)hehe....She was basically a Music and he was the Irama kot, and i was happy for my best friend cause she seems soo happy at the moment..BUT..not for long though.....

Lepas tamat kolej i guess, she break off, she really didnt know what is wrong, adakah dia?, adakah Mr A?, was it timing atau another person? was she not pretty enough? many questions went though her mind. Btw, she cried herself to sleep at night for weeks because she misses the one particular person, Mr. A. :( (kecian tau die)

One day, she called me that she never stop praying for his well-being in this world and the hereafter. The more she'd pray for him, the more clearer Allah showed her, or made her come to a realisation that there's a reason to why thier freinship died. He, Allah SWT was actually to protecting her, from doing sinful thing. now only she'd realize that everything happens for a reason, and she is very accepting of the fact that Mr. A and her are not close anymore. Now, she doesn't cry for him nor think for him anymore too. And, she is more happy in current state even though sometimes she told me that she worries too about the future of her relationship status.

Then I believe, when the time is coming...the right man will sweep her off her feet along with a solemnisation certification in hand. :)..

My point here is, to all single girls, its okay to be single. Don't afraid, but instead be thankful that Allah SWT actually picked to protect you. Your moment will soon arrive before you know it. Remember, a blessed relationship begins with a clean plate. You have to protect yourself from sadness. Sadness is very close to hate. (Sesungguhnya telah tercatat name pasanganmu di Luh Mahfuz dan akan dihantar olehnNYA, bila dirimu telah bersedia)

With the post, I've attached sincelery DOA for us all and i forwarded to NEMO too...

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang..
Terima kasih kerana Engkau telah pertemukan dia dengan ku..
Terima kasih untuk saat yang indah yang telah kami nikmati bersama..
Aku datang kepadaMu Ya Allah...
Sucikanlah hati ku ini sehingga dapat melaksanakan kehendak dan rencana dalam hidupku..

Ya Allah, seandainya dia bukan tulang rusukku...
Jauhkan ia dari hatiku..
Janganlah biarkan aku merindukan kehadirannya..
Usirlah dia dari mata dan hatiku..
Gantikan kerinduan dan cinta ini dengan kasih kan pada Mu Ya Allah..
Tolonglah agar aku dapat mengasihinya sebagai seorang sahabat..
Tetapi, jika Engkau ciptakan dia untukku..
Tolonglah satukan hati kami..
Bantulah aku agar dia menciatai, mengerti dan menerima segala kekurangan sebagaimana aku telah Engkau ciptakan..

Ya Rahman Ya Rahim,
Dengarlah doa ku ini..
Aku tahu Engkau sentiasa memberikan yang terbaik buatku..
Segala yang aku alami pasti ada hikmahnya..
Tabahkan hati dan jiwa ku dalam menempuh setiap saat dugaan di dunia ini..
Ajarlah aku untuk setia dan sabar menanti tibanya waktu yang telah Engkau tentukan..


I'm a simply peace finally... Receiving LOVE Doesn't Mean You Have It..

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